Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Crayola and Camping!

Today was my last day of classes as a Senior, and even though I'm not graduating, many of my friends are and it's making me quite sad. I knew this time would come but damn it I'm just not ready!
Seeing as today was THEE last day of classes, all of my major projects were due.

I was happy to get done with ad photography, and although this was a fun shoot with lots of Photoshopping, I wish I would have picked something totally beyond my comfort zone. Coulda, woulda, shoulda, I still DO like these pictures a lot.

I really believe that many students should be taking this class, not just photo minors and GCM majors. Tapping into marketing really was a thrill and something that I can/will utilize in the future!
My final concepts and designs for the signage in the Eau Claire Children's Museum was also due today and will presented to the Museum sometime in the next week. Whether my concept is chosen or not I can't say I didn't try or work hard, and I'm happy with the final outcome. 

At this time next week I will be in a plane on my way to England. WAHOOOO.
ps. how do you pack for an entire month!? 
More to come soon :-]

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