Tuesday, December 13, 2011

T-Minus 3 Days. EEEEK!

Operation 'set up for senior show' is underway. My goal is to have everything set up by Thursday, so that when Thursday evening rolls around I can "relax", "unwind" and TRY not to think. This past week has been spent on web design, more web design and then designing some fun labels for medicine bottles. Did I need to do them? No. Did I want to do them? Yes, but at times not so much. I'm glad that I did though... it gave me a much needed break from designing stuff that was particularly wrapped up in my senior show brand manual restrictions. Being able to take a break and just design whatever the hell wanted, however the hell I wanted was a great outlet without getting so wrapped up in something un-design related (at times I would have much rather watched Glee or read one of Chelsea Handler's books, but once I start those there is no turning back). Because I don't have the bottles assembled yet, all I can share with you are the labels themselves.

3 days till senior show.
AND our website is up, so be sure to check that out! http://www.con10ders.com/
Some serious work went into this site and its a great reminder of the talent that lies within this school.

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